smart play room

Contact Us

There Are 3 Ways To Move Forward With A Project


Learn More!

We will email you details about our design services and playroom store.

No charge

No commitment


Schedule an Inquiry Call!

Do you want a Smart Playroom but you are unsure of where to go from here?

Set up a 15 minute inquiry call with a SP team member and ask questions about our virtual E-design packages, Full Service in-person design services, our e-commerce store, and anything else!

$100 No Obligation


Book a consult for your in person Full Service project with our Founder Karri

Book a 45 minute consultation and be ready to answer questions about your kids and the space.

$500 Deposit* includes a 45 minute consultation and a no-obligation written proposal with our design fees, timing and process.

*Cost will go towards an accepted project.

For press inquiries or brand collabs etc... please fill out this form and we will reply within 48 hours.